Over the years, I have been trying to make available my research to those who need it through various means.
One is simply this site, which I started not just to opine about this or that subject, but to introduce my research and direct people to where to find it. So the sections on Internet Articles and Interviews feature links to many my pieces that are online.
I also have been making some of what I have written available online in PDF format. I initially started doing that on Academia.edu (here is my page), but not only is that site clunky and hard to use, it is also a for-profit corporation, and I don’t see why I should enable a corporation to make money using my research as one of the products they “sell.” Yes, they “give” me “exposure,” but that can seem not too far from those companies that ask young artists to contribute their work for free in exchange for getting “exposure."
So increasingly I have been using the Yale repository to make my research available. Here is my page there. And here are a few items I posted recently:
- “Colonial Era Korean Cinema and the Problem of Internalization.” Trans-Humanities 8.1 (2015). Pp. 27–46. (On the Yale repository)
- "Critical Reception: Historical Conceptions of Japanese Film Criticism." The Oxford Handbook to Japanese Cinema. Ed. Miyao Daisuke. Oxford University Press, 2014. Pp. 61–78. (On the Yale repository)
- "The Homelessness of Style and the Problems of Studying Miike Takashi." Canadian Journal of Film Studies/Revue Canadienne d’Études Cinématographiques 18.1 (Spring 2009): 24-43. (On the Yale repository)
- "Introduction: The Theory Complex." Review of Japanese Culture and Society 22 (2010). Pp. 1–13. (On the Yale repository)
- "Japanese Film and Television." Routledge Handbook of Japanese Culture and Society. Eds. Victoria Lyon Bestor and Theodore C. Bestor, with Akiko Yamagata. London: Routledge, 2011. Pp. 213-225. (On the Yale repository)
- "Retrospective Irony: Film Festivals and Japanese Cinema History." Film Festival Yearbook 5: Archival Film Festivals. Ed. Alex Marlow-Mann. St Andrews Film Studies, 2013. Pp. 189–199. (On the Yale repository)
- "Takahisa Zeze: Film-making in No Man's Land." Directory of World Cinema: Japan, Volume 3. (2015) pp. 200 - 203. (On the Yale repository)
- "Wrestling with Godzilla: Intertextuality, Childish Spectatorship, and the National Body." In Godzilla’s Footsteps. Eds. William Tsutsui and Michiko Ito. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. Pp. 63-81. (On the Yale repository)
I also posted a few of my old Japanese articles:
- 「映画の他の可能性 『狂った一頁』の受容と映像のコード化」 『言語文化』 第15号(1998年) (ネットで読む)
- 「解説 映画法という映画論」 『映画法解説/第74回帝国議会映画法案議事概要』 日本映画論言説体系 第8巻 (ゆまに書房、2003年) (ネットで読む)
- 「解説 産業という言説」 『活動写真経済論/国産奨励と映画事業』日本映画論言説体系 第16巻(ゆまに書房、2004年)(ネットで読む)
- 『宮本武蔵』と戦時中の観客」 『映画監督 溝口健二』 四方田犬彦編(新曜社、1999年) (ネットで読む)
I will still post a few of my articles to Academia.edu, as well as to other sites like Researchgate (my page there). It is still good to try to make my work available to a variety of users in a variety of locations.
But the bulk my work will appear on the Yale repository, and I will always post articles there first.