I notice that this is my first post this month. Sorry about that! It's been quite busy here.
We finally are on Thanksgiving break, however. (Yale has a peculiar fall semester schedule where we have 12 straight weeks of class, with no breaks, then one week off at Thanksgiving, and come back only for one more week of class.) I'm still busy, but searching for other things on the net, I noticed for the first time this video of the alt-SCMS conference (a.k.a. the Josai International University Media Studies Department Media Workshop) that I helped put together last May when SCMS called off their Tokyo conference due to H1N1.
The video shows a bit of what happened, and even includes images of the talk I moderated between the film directors Kurosawa Kiyoshi (Cure) and Aoyama Shinji
. For better or for worse, I am visible too.
The producer won't let you embed it elsewhere, so you need to click here to see it.